Python – Dictionaries with Unique Value Lists
Given List of dictionaries with list values, extract unique dictionaries....
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Python – Convert List to delimiter separated String
In Python, lists are useful data structures that allow us to store collections of elements. Often, there arises a need to convert a list into a single string, where each element is separated by a delimiter of our choice. In this article, we will explore how to convert a list to a delimiter-separated string and demonstrate practical use cases for this operation. Given a List of elements, convert it to delimiter separated String....
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Print anagrams together in Python using List and Dictionary
Given an array of words, print all anagrams together....
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Find Maximum of two numbers in Python
Given two numbers, write a Python code to find the Maximum of these two numbers....
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Get first and last elements of a list in Python
Sometimes, there might be a need to get the range between which a number lies in the list, for such applications we require to get the first and last element of the list. Let’s discuss certain ways to get the first and last element of the Python list....
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Python program to interchange first and last elements in a list
Given a list, write a Python program to swap first and last element of the list....
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Python program to convert a list into a list of lists using a step value
Given a List, the task here is to write a python program that can split the list into list of lists using by a step value here denoted via K....
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Python – Value limits to keys in Dictionaries List
Given a Dictionaries list, write a Python program to assign limits to each key in dictionary list.( each having all keys )....
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Python program to Sort a List of Strings by the Number of Unique Characters
Given a list of strings. The task is to sort the list of strings by the number of unique characters....
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Python – Extract Kth index elements from Dictionary Value list
Given a dictionary with list as values, extract all the Kth index elements....
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Python | Row with Minimum element in Matrix
We can have an application for finding the lists with the minimum value and print it. This seems quite an easy task and may also be easy to code, but sometimes we need to print the entire row containing it and having shorthands to perform the same are always helpful as this kind of problem can come in web development. Let’s discuss certain ways in which this task can be performed....
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Python | Empty String to None Conversion
Sometimes, while working with Machine Learning, we can encounter empty strings and we wish to convert to the None for data consistency. This and many other utilities can require the solution to this problem. Let’s discuss certain ways in which this problem can be solved....
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